
E-CRA European Connected Regional Airport
Since its creation, Veleane has been developing a structuring program called E-CRA (European Connected Regional Airport) which focuses on regional airports integration into the future Single European Sky, for a better air traffic performance.
A first section of this initiative was taken on in 2014 by the SESAR JU as part of the implementation of “E-CRA LSD” (Large Scale Demonstrator) demonstrations. The two-year project applied SESAR collaborative practices at a regional scale, such as the Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) and the Airport Operations Plan (AOP), and illustrated their operating benefits. Live trials involving the major players of Bordeaux-Mérignac airport were conducted in early 2016, and addressed the specific operations related to the take-off of an A380 on such an airport platform.
Validation of the Regional APOC concept at Toulouse-Blagnac airport Airport Operations Center
In 2016, EUROCONTROL, Veleane and Aéroport Toulouse-Blagnac (ATB, the Airport Manager) set up simulation activities in order to sensitise airport key players to recent European activities about Airport Operations Management and to assess regional benefits. Airport managers, handlers and air traffic controllers got together for several days perform simulation exercises inspired from daily operations and defined in close collaboration with ATB. Operational players adopted an “Airport Collaborative Decision Making” information sharing philosophy, within a minimally integrated operational unit (Regional APOC) supported by a simulation infrastructure enabling decision-making (Airport Operations Plan, AOP). The observed trends showed performance benefits and illustrated an optimisation of critical resources use at Toulouse-Blagnac airport.

Support to AIRMOD project management
Designed by the Bordeaux-based company FLYOPS, AIRMOD is an embedded system which provides Communication, Navigation and Surveillance services using particularly satellite links.
Veleane is involved in the phases of conceptualisation, AIRMOD system requirements management and definition of associated products and services. Veleane also assists FLYOPS in project management and coordination activities between the various involved partners.
Assistance to the “A-FUA” project management Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace
Veleane supported EUROCONTROL in management activities of the Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace (A-FUA) project and collaborated with all involved SESAR partners in review and consolidation of generated detailed requirements. Veleane took part in the technical preparation and execution phases of the pre-industrial validation exercise of the associated solution. This exercise included several industrial platforms (EUROCONTROL Network Manager, DFS – Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, Airbus Defense & Space and Lufthansa Systems).

Assistance to the “Network Operations Management (WP7/13)” project Network Operations
Veleane supported EUROCONTROL on WP7/13 “Management Project” activities for the redaction of the SESAR Final Project Reports for “WP7/13 management project”, “Network Operations transversal activities”, “Flexible Airspace Management”, “Trajectory Management and User Driven Prioritization Process” and “Dynamic Capacity Balancing”. These deliverables illustrate the projects contributions to the SESAR ATM Master Plan, their achievements, contributions to Standardization and Conclusions & Recommendations.
Veleane also worked on WP7/13 projects by reviewing the technical specifications related to the “Extended Flight Plan” concept as well as the requirements related to the operational service definition of the Collaborative NOP.